Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Jovian Wars

 The Jovian Wars

Anger, the spilling of blood loud will sing,

Wrath of our gods, war’s suffering will bring,

Vengeance, a lake of blood and flesh can sate,

Apollo sent plagues that would not abate,

Danger, we appealed to Zeus for relief,

He girded our armies, gave us belief,

We stood in the hot dust, ready to bleed,

Our knives to draw in the name of our creed

We had ridden star horse through many suns,

Convinced that we sons are the special ones,

Around planets and distant moons we sailed,

Our brave warriors trained in armoured mail,

I caught my breath at sunlit reaches,

That stretched through galaxies and dark breaches


We were set on sating our grim war lust,

To destroy Jovians, pound them to dust,

Like sad red ashes in their homely hearths,

We would burn their art and books in our garths,

Following the will of ancient fathers,

These deeds would inspire reliefs for carvers


When we came upon Ilium, dusk fell,

It gloamed all around, it seemed like in hell,

Then dawn revealed a great city of light,

Under green skies in which black crows took flight,

Nesting beside a bright, deep purple lake,

We launched our attack before they would wake


The gods and heroes of all men looked down,

And sang for us a new music, our crown,

Of victory, as we twisted cold steel,

And vanquished the enemy to shrill peals,

And screams that echoed in crow caws at noon,

We had killed the race from Jovian Moon


As red fiery rock rumbled and thundered,

And smoky pyres burned and loud screams sundered,

They were dragged down to their infernal gloom,

And columns of hot fire rose up in bloom,

At this, their gods fled like flashes of light,

That merged with the bright stars that took their bight,

Then heralds bellowed as if from heavens,

And the City of Light dissolved forever

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